Home > VICTORIA > Yarra Rangers & Lake Eildon > SEC Camp, Murrindindi SR, South of Yea
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SEC Camp, Murrindindi SR, South of Yea

SEC Camp, Murrindindi Scenic Reserve, is a walk in bush camp site. The site is pay to stay. No pets are allowed in the reserve.
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SEC Camp, Murrindindi Scenic Reserve, is a walk in bush camp site. It is a short distance walk over the bridge over the creek from the car park. There are drop toilets and fire pits but little else so you'll need to com prepared. The site is grassed with some shade. Not a bad spot for the hikers. The site is pay to stay. No pets are allowed in the reserve.

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Cost: Motor Cycle $3.00 | Car $7.00 | Bus $20.00 | Large Bus $35.00 | Cost Per Vehicle Per Night payable at Blackwood and Bull Creek camps.

Getting there: 9km north of Glenburn off the Melba Hwy take Murrindindi Rd. Follow this about 3km until it becomes Wilhelminia Falls Rd. Follow this another 3km out to the scenic reserve. All campsites are well signed off this unsealed Road.

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Platypus Bush Camp

Mackay Region, QLD

Platypus Bush Camp, is nestled within the enchanting lowland palm-rivine rainforest of Finch Hatton Gorge. The stunning creek that meanders through the property provides fantastic swimming spots.

See the site right here

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