Home > VICTORIA > Alpine Region > James Reserve Camping Area, Strathbogie Rangers - Mansfield Region
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James Reserve Camping Area, Strathbogie Rangers - Mansfield Region

James Reserve Camping Area, Strathbogie Rangers, is a flat grassed camp site suitable for tent based camping with some room for caravan/trailer, and van based camping down by the creek. The site is FREE and Pet Friendly. Last updated: 16.10.18
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James Reserve Camping Area, Strathbogie Rangers, is a flat grassed camp site suitable for tent based camping with some room for caravan/trailer, and van based camping creek side. For the history buffs the area is said to have been used as a hiding place by the Kelly Gang. It is also popular with 4WD enthusiasts, walkers, riders, trout fishing and horse riders. Basic amenities include a drop toilet and a small horse yard. The site is FREE and Pet Friendly.

For more information click on Key Features above.

Cost: FREE

Getting there: From Mansfield take the Midland Hwy north about 35km. Just after Lima South take a left onto Gandini Lane and follow 3.5km out to Lima East Road. Follow Lima East Road south for 7.5km out to campsite.


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Platypus Bush Camp

Mackay Region, QLD

Platypus Bush Camp, is nestled within the enchanting lowland palm-rivine rainforest of Finch Hatton Gorge. The stunning creek that meanders through the property provides fantastic swimming spots.

See the site right here

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